At what point do you know that someone has recovered?


It's important to know that no one is ever recovered. It is a lifelong process, it's a journey for the individual to learn more about themselves, become more connected within their family, and have that process of therapy and counselling in place to help them make those changes. "Recovered" makes it sound like the journey [...]

At what point do you know that someone has recovered?2020-06-02T18:37:50+00:00

How does someone explain this to their kids?


It can be a very touchy subject but you have to assure the kids that this is not a bad thing and that this person is trying to get well. Mom and dad are trying to get help. This is an illness, this is a disease, this is something that a person will struggle with. [...]

How does someone explain this to their kids?2018-09-24T14:25:37+00:00

Are there support groups for family members?


Absolutely! There's a lot of options and supports for family members. Al-Anon, Nar-Anon to name two. They can also attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, to encourage and support their loved ones.

Are there support groups for family members?2018-09-24T14:22:24+00:00

What is rehab like?


Rehab is an opportunity for somebody to, in a safe place, talk about the issues that may have lead to their drinking or drug use and start coming up with the behaviors that they're going to need to change in order to stay clean and sober.

What is rehab like?2018-09-24T14:19:58+00:00

What if my friend says no to help?


You have two choices to make. One is to continue supporting the person, which could end up making things worse. Or, you need to make a decision about how to help protect yourself because their drinking or use is affecting you, too. The first step would be to give us a call at Allied Addiction [...]

What if my friend says no to help?2018-09-24T14:20:15+00:00

At what point is someone an alcoholic?


This is something for most people that develops over time, so what you're going to see is problems with family, problems with work, and you start seeing more and more frequently negative consequences that occur specifically when somebody is drinking or using.

At what point is someone an alcoholic?2018-09-24T14:12:03+00:00
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